Year 4 2024 - 2025
Mrs Capel
Mrs Forrest
Hello and Welcome to Year 4 2024-5!
We hope that you have all had a fantastic half term holiday and are ready to start our next term together.
Mrs Forrest will teach Year 4 on Mondays and Tuesdays and Mrs Capel will teach Year 4 on Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays.
We will alternate on Wednesday afternoons for PPA time (planning, preparation and assessment time).
We have so many exciting topics this half term and we are very excited to get started!
What we are learning this half term:
Our Christian value is: Love and Courage
This half term we will be reading an adventure story about a mischievous cat, who gets up to all sorts of diabolical things! The children will be writing their own version of the story about their own pet and how to have good friendships.
Next, we will be writing a set of instructions for a friendship potion, to try and teach others how to show kindness and how to be a good friend.
You can help your child by:
- Hearing them read regularly
- Helping them learn their weekly spellings and support homework tasks.
This half term will begin by learning how to measure and calculate the area of a shape. Next, we will be focusing on multiplication and division facts. We will be concentrating on the 3, 6, 9, 7, 11 and 12 tables. We will use these facts to solve word problems. We aim for every pupil to know all multiplication facts to 12x12 by the end of the year, so the hard work starts now!
You can help your child by:
- Supporting them with their homework tasks.
- Helping them to learn multiplication & division facts.
Autumn 2 Subjects and Topics:
- ‘Ancient Maya’ in History
- ‘Mayan Masks’ in Art - Sculpture
- ‘Online safety’ and ‘Spreadsheets’ in Computing
- ‘Glockenspiels’ in Music
- ‘On the Move’ in French
- ‘Sound’ in Science
- ’Don’t Forget to Let the Love in’ in PSHE
- ‘Incarnation: What is the trinity?’ in R.E
- 'Football' in P.E with the sports coaches
Indoor kit: plain yellow t-shirt, black shorts and black pumps.
Outdoor kit: plain yellow t-shirt, jogging bottoms and trainers.
Remember to have the correct P.E kit in school all half term, as it will be sent home at each holiday to be washed. Long hair must be tied back for P.E lessons. If your child wears trainers with laces, please practise tying laces before bringing them into school - thank you very much.
Homework will be set weekly, consisting of short English and Maths tasks, consolidating the children's work in class that week. Homework will be set on Fridays and handed in on Wednesdays.
Spellings will be set on a Monday to be tested on the following Monday.
Please have your reading folder in school every day. It is important that you read at home at least three times per week and have your reading record signed. Adults in school try to read with children once per week. It is very important that children are reading at home in order to progress.
- Our class visit to Stalybridge Library.
- Comparing modern hot chocolate recipes with the Ancient Maya version!
- Making friendship potions with fizzing results.
- Class rewards when we earn enough rocket fuel for a treat!
Useful Websites
BBC Bitesize - A primary school resource for children studying Key Stage 2 Maths, English and Science, featuring game activities and tests.
Thinkuknow - If you are 7, 8, 9 or 10, I bet you probably like to use the computer for fun. Take a look at this website to help you go on the internet in a safe way and know who to talk to if you are worried.
Topmarks Daily Ten- short maths activities that the children in Year 4 should be familiar with.
Times Table Rock Stars- this fantastic app aims to help the children become more fluent with recalling their multiplication facts, which is especially important due to the multiplication check at the end of Year 4. Children all have log in details and work is set by the teacher. Please see us if you are experiencing any difficulties.
- Multiplication Tables Check - 2024 - - a website which helps your child to practise their times tables, in a similar style to the Multiplication Tables Check, which takes place in June for Year 4 pupils.
Files to Download
Year 4: News items
PTA Christmas Fair, by Mr Wright
World Mental Health Day, by Mr Wright