Year 6 2023 - 2024

Mrs Ashton

Mrs Robinson


Newsflash: Year 6 have been taking part in Safer Internet Day. Click here to see what we've been up to.

Hello and welcome to Year 6!


10.6.24  Message from Mrs Ashton and Mrs Robinson,

We can’t believe that this is the final half term at St Paul’s for Year 6. This half term promises to be a very exciting one: we have sports day, One Adventure activity treat day, our leavers’ play, our leavers’ service and the leavers’ party to look forward to; not to mention the residential at The Anderton Centre for some children!

We are sure you will make some memories over then next few weeks which will stay with you throughout your lives!

Our Christian Value this half term is perseverance.  


In English the theme will be journalistic writing.

In English this half term we will be looking at an alternative version of the Three Little Pigs story to become newsreporters, reporting from the trial of The Big, Bad Wolf.

Spelling, Grammar and Punctuation

Guided Reading

To see how we teach Reading at St. Paul's click here.


In Year 6 we are reading Letters from the Lighthouse by Emma Carroll

       Letters from the Lighthouse - John Sandoe Books


In Maths we follow Power Maths. We will be learning…



Year 6 Preparation for Year 7

Revision on standard methods and arithmetic methods in preparation for year 7.

Year 6 to 7 transition unit on Algebra

Practise with Y7 maths equipment such as calculators and compasses.

Mathematical puzzles and investigations such as

·        Fibonacci sequence

·        Pascal’s triangle

·        Triangle Numbers

·        Magic Squares

·        % Puzzles

·        Tessellations



Other Lessons:

Geography: Our Local Area (Stalybridge)

Art and Design Sculpture – relief tiles

PE: Athletics and Rounders

Science: Famous Scientists

Computing:  Concept Maps

Music: School Daze Play

RE: Creation

PSHE: No way through isn’t true


Outdoor kit will be needed on Wednesdays and Fridays for Year 6 (School Yellow PE top, jogging bottoms or shorts, trainers and jumper)

Please note PE kit can be left in school for the half term. It is important that children have their PE kit ready for lessons as children who do not have kit in school will lose break and dinner times. 


Spelling: Children will be set spellings on a Tuesday to be tested the following Tuesday.

Reading:  Reading books must be brought into school every day and will be checked regularly. Please listen to your child read at home and make comments in their reading record.

Maths and English homework will not be set for Y6 this term but please ensure that they read to an adult regularly, in preparation for the demands of the Y7 curriculum. The children will also need to ensure that they learn their lines for the Leavers’ Play and song words.

School Uniform Expectations

The school uniform is compulsory for all children and it is important that children

come to school in the correct school uniform. The uniform consists of the following:

  • Green sweatshirt or cardigan with school logo
  • Yellow (plain) polo shirt
  • Grey/black skirt or pinafore or grey/black trousers.
  • Plain low heeled black shoes. No trainers/canvas footwear.
  • For indoor P.E. kit, Black P.E. pumps, black shorts and yellow (plain) t-shirt
  • For outdoor P.E. jogging bottoms, trainers and sweatshirt are required in addition to the indoor PE kit.
  • During the summer green or yellow gingham dresses can be worn.
  • During the summer grey or black shorts can be worn, not football shorts.
  • White, grey or black socks must be worn. Grey or black tights may be worn in winter.
  • It is not acceptable for children to come to school with dyed hair or inappropriate styles.
  • No nail varnish.
  • No jewellery should be worn, except for a small watch (N.B. smart watches are not allowed in school and also earrings are not allowed to be worn in school)
  • The school uniform can be purchased online from
  • All clothes and belongings must be clearly marked with your child’s name. The school cannot be held responsible for items of uniform which go missing, especially if they have not been labelled. There is a lost property box in reception and all items of uniform which are not labelled can be found there.
  • We do however; empty this box termly and any items not collected will be disposed of.
  • Mobile phones are not allowed in school. The school cannot be held responsible for the loss or damage of mobile phones.

We thank you for your support with following the school uniform expectations of St Paul’s CE Primary.



Mrs Ashton and Mrs Robinson

Year 6

Thanks to funding from the HamerYouth Trust Class 10 children have been learning the ukulele under the expert direction of Mrs Ashton. They performed their first concert. It was brilliant! 


Useful Links

** BBC Teach - Some of the lessons are being done by famous people - I'm looking forward to the Science lessons by Brian Cox! **

***Please see 'Files to Download' below for  New Classroom Secrets Packs and the UKS2 Home Learning Pack sent home there are other useful resources here too***

***Please visit PURPLE MASH (here) Monday to Friday for daily Reading and Topic 2dos***

***Please visit The Maths Factor (here)  for free Maths activities***

***Please visit White Rose Maths (here) for weekly work You can do these verbally or in your exercise book. You do not need to print these out to complete.***

***Please visit Twinkl (here) for a daily list of activities to follow at home. ***


Files to Download

Year 6: News items

Leavers' Service, by Mr Wright

Sports Day, by Mr Wright

Year 6: Gallery items

3D Modelling, by Mrs Robinson

Year 6: Calendar items

There are no Calendar items to display

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