
All schools are required to have a Governing Body. School Governors work together with the headteacher in agreeing the aims and conduct of the school, ensuring that the pupils have a full entitlement to the agreed curriculum and managing the school within its allocated budget.

The Governors at our school are chosen by parents (Parent Governors), the Diocese and church community (Foundation Governors), the school staff (Teacher and Staff Governors), the Local Authority (LA Governors) and the governing body itself (Community Governors).

Governors are appointed to provide:

  • strong links between the school and the community it serves
  • a wide experience of the outside world
  • an independent view
  • a visible form of accountability for the headteacher and staff of the school
  • a team focusing on long term development and improvement
  • accountability to the community for the use of resources and the standards of teaching and learning in the school
  • support for the headteacher and staff.

School Governors aim to:

  • attend the regular and special meetings of the full governing body
  • work as a member of the governing body (not as an individual) in the best interests of the school
  • work on specific topics through sub-groups or committees (e.g.: the financial management of the school, the curriculum, staff appointments and personnel issues, the school premises, school policies and the training of governors)
  • become well-informed about education in general and about St Paul’s school in particular
  • become familiar with the rules of school governance
  • attend necessary training courses
  • visit the school to gain further insight about particular issues by arrangement with the Headteacher
  • are volunteers

In order to do this a governing body:

  • works with the headteacher who is responsible for the day to day management of the school
  • agrees policies and practice that assist the headteacher and staff to carry out their responsibilities
  • agrees principles and targets for improvement
  • acts as the critical friend of the school and headteacher
  • receives and discusses reports on the resulting practice and conduct of the school
  • reviews its own working practices
  • works within the regulations for governing bodies; these are laid down by central government and the local authority

Meet our Governors

Jacqueline Yates - Chair of Governors
Parent Governor

I have been a parent at St Paul's for many years.

I wanted to be Parent governor as I am passionate about the education of our children and wanted an opportunity to help the staff and parents to achieve and uphold the standards that we all expect for our children in both academic and emotional support.

I have run my own small business in Stalybridge for the past 18  years my experience in this should help me with understanding financial budgets for the school and staff issues.

Simon Wright
Ex Officio Governor

My name is Simon Wright, as Head teacher of St Paul’s Primary I am also a governor of the school. I have served as a governor at three other schools. As a governor in other schools it has been my role to support and challenge. As Head teacher I provide information to the Governing Body and am challenged by them on the educational performance of the school and its pupils; the financial performance of the school and making sure its money is well spent and on the vision, ethos, values and strategic direction of the school.

As Head teacher and a governor I want the very best for the pupils in our care. Being a governor of a school gives you the opportunity to be part of that. If you are interested in being a member of the Governing Body please get in in touch with school.

Reverend Emma Handley

CDAT Governor

I am the Reverend Emma Handley, Vicar at St Paul’s Church, which is just opposite the school. It was this church that originally founded the school, which was born out of a passion to see access to education for everyone and sound biblical teaching, and there have been close links ever since. I have the privilege of leading collective worship each week at school, and our church hosts St Paul’s pupils for various services and teaching experiences over the year. I also meet many of our parents through Baptisms and Weddings and love the opportunity to serve our families through the work we continue to do here with the church. My role as a Foundation Governor is to help ensure that St Paul’s School, as a Church of England School, maintains its distinctive Christian ethos. I strongly believe that education is not just about learning information to pass tests but about developing the whole child in body, mind and spirit, and that the Christian faith has a lot to offer to our young people in helping to equip them to live life to the full. I have three girls who are now in their teens so understand the pressures that young people and their parents face in bringing up their children and supporting them in their education.


Anita Patel
Parent Governor

Hi, I’m Anita, and I’m a parent governor. My son currently attends St Paul’s School.

I have over 10 years of teaching experience, working as a teacher of Business Studies in inner city secondary schools and sixth forms. This has allowed me to experience some diverse approaches to teaching and learning. I also teach baby and toddler yoga classes, which has given me the chance to work with amazing parents within Tameside.

Christina Beech

CDAT Governor

Hello. I’m Christina Beech and as a worshipper at St Paul’s I’m delighted to have the opportunity to be a Foundation Governor. I  have a role to cultivate respect for the spiritual and moral beliefs of the Christian tradition, fostering a community in which pupils are cared for as individuals and helped to find fulfilment as they grow and progress through the school. 

I am a retired IT teacher and manager with 25 years experience in education at post 16, including service as a staff governor.  Over the years, I have embraced a great deal of change to the curriculum and participated in more school inspections than I care to remember. I am conversant with school planning, data analysis and performance monitoring. 

Having raised my two children, I now help to care for my grandchildren and have become very interested in primary education. This is where the foundations of academic progress and personal development are made, which impact enormously on our children’s future education, achievement and well-being, preparing them to take their place in society. 

I am the Health and Safety and safeguarding Governor.

Janie Walters

Coopted Governor

Iam a qualified accountant and I have recently retired.

Education changed my life for the better and I have volunteered so I can give something back. 

Primary school is the foundation to a child's education and future. I am hoping some of the skills I have used in industry can be of use to the school and benefit the children

Joanne Whalley

Staff Governor

I am a teacher at St.Paul’s and have 24 years teaching experience. I currently teach Year One.

I really enjoy working at St.Paul’s and  want the best outcomes for our pupils and school. Being a staff governor gives me the opportunity to support school, staff and pupils.


National Governors Association
The National Governors’ Association (NGA) is an independent charity that aims to improve the educational standards and well-being of children and young people through supporting and promoting outstanding governance in all state-funded schools, including academies and free schools.

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