
Maths Statement of Intent: |
From September 2023, Power Maths has been used as our whole school scheme. Power Maths is a whole-class, textbook-based mastery resource that empowers every child to understand and succeed. Power Maths develops growth mindsets and encourages hard work, practice and a willingness to see mistakes as learning tools. Best practice consistently shows that mastery of small, cumulative steps builds a solid foundation of deep mathematical understanding. Power Maths combines interactive teaching tools, high-quality textbooks and continuing professional development (CPD) to help us equip children with a deep and long-lasting understanding. Based on extensive evidence, and developed in partnership with practising teachers, Power Maths ensures that it meets the needs of children in the UK. We teach Power Maths every day in our school. We intend to provide a curriculum, which caters for the needs of all individuals and sets them up with the necessary skills and knowledge for them to become successful, not just in school but also in their future working lives. We are embedding a mastery approach throughout school from EYFS, so that the teaching and learning is consistent and will support all pupils with their understanding and retention. Pupils are required to explore maths in depth, using mathematical vocabulary to reason and explain their workings. We aim to provide our pupils with fluency skills in basic arithmetic, timetables and number facts. We teach our pupils the methods needed to calculate solutions to life like problems they could face in the future and prepare them to access the skills in their next year group/key stage. We also strive to empower our children with the confidence to discuss and explain their reasoning to certain problems using different representations, concrete resources and verbal discussions. |
Implementation: |
Maths is taught every day in every class. Some lessons may include every part of the Power Maths structure. Some lessons may carry on the following day, if pupils require more time to access the practice book, or the concept/topic has not been mastered in one lesson and the teacher has used their own assessment to revisit a concept. We have access to White Rose resources to supplement the use of Power Maths. Each lesson will have a specific objective, which will be worked towards through whole class discussion, exploration and then independent work through the pupils’ practice books. Fluency is addressed across the school through several methods. All children have log in details to TT Rockstars, which supports pupils’ fluency in timetables. Children can access this app in school and at home. Teachers also use oral starters and IWB games within their classrooms to promote the quick recall of number bonds, times table facts, number facts and other information, which will support the pupils’ fluency. During the guided part of the lesson, all pupils record their answers on whiteboards or in jotters for instant formative assessment. Usually, before the pupils record any of their thinking, the whole class discuss their ideas and can offer support to one another. This allows pupils to consider different ways of thinking which may have been different than their own. Pupils are encouraged to explain their working out and children are prompted to follow the CPA approach- demonstrating their understanding through the use of concrete and pictorial methods, exposing the children to different representations. We encourage lots of maths talk, using appropriate vocabulary. Once we have completed our guided work, children complete the activities that are provided in the Pupil Practice Book. Children work in mixed pairs, to support and reason together. We often mark the work together, under the guidance of the teacher. This gives the children a further chance to reason about their answers and we can instantly address any misconceptions that arise from the lesson. |
Statement of Impact: |