Year 5/6 2023 - 2024

Mrs Regan

Hello and welcome to Year 5/6!

Message from Mrs Regan,

This half term we will contiune learning about WWII in out topic lessons. In class year 6 will be preparing for the SATs tests which take place in May. We will be doing lots of revision and practice papers in class.

Our Christian Value this half term is Forgiveness. 


Look at this amazing video created by Elise Shelley for Safer Internet day 2024.

Our Christian Value this half term is: ForgivenessForgiveness.png

In English the theme will be ... Lost Happy Endings.

In English this half term we will be using the text ‘Lost Happy Endings’ by Carol Ann Duffy.



Non-chronological reports





Year 5 and 6 Spelling, Grammar and Punctuation

 To see how we teach Reading at St. Paul's click here.


In Year 5/6 we are reading: Letters from the Lighthouse by Emma Carroll

       Letters from the Lighthouse - John Sandoe Books


In Maths we follow Power Maths. We will be learning…

Year 6:

Percentages of amounts

Interpreting line graphs, bar charts and pie charts

Finding the mean

Units of measure

Area, Perimeter and volume

Properties of 2D and 3D shapes

Angles on a straight line, in a triangle and around a point.

Translation, reflection and rotation




Year 5:

Place value of decimals

Equivalent fractions decimals and percentages

Rounding decimals

Area, Perimeter and volume

Read and interpret graphs and timetables

Measure and draw angles

Angles on a straight line, in a triangle and around a point.

Other Lessons:

History: World War II

Art and Design: Cross Stitch

PE: Swimming and Volleyball.

Science:  Living things and their habitats

French: Our School

ICT: Purple Mash Game Creator

Music: Jazz Bacharach & blues 

RE: Understanding Christianity: People of God

PSHE: Don’t rub it in, rub it out

Swimming kit will be needed on a Wednesday for Year 5. (One piece swimming costume for girls, or swimming shorts above the knee for boys)

Indoor kit will be needed by all children on Tuesday for their session with sports coach. Year 6 will also need an indoor kit on a Wednesday (School Yellow PE top, black shorts, black pumps) Football tops or other non-uniform items will not be allowed.

Please note PE kit can be left in school for the half term. It is important that children have their PE kit ready for lessons.


Spelling: Children will be set spellings on a Friday to be tested the following Friday.

Y5 Homework: Homework will be set on a Friday and is due in on Wednesday. English and Maths will be set on alternate weeks. 

Y6 Homework: Hand in CPG books on Wednesday to mark together and go through answers. New homework set on Fridays.

Reading: Please listen to your child read at home and sign their Reading Record. We would like children to read at home at least 3x per week.  Reading Records will be checked every week.

School Uniform Expectations

The school uniform is compulsory for all children and it is important that children

come to school in the correct school uniform. The uniform consists of the following:

  • Green sweatshirt or cardigan with school logo
  • Yellow (plain) polo shirt
  • Grey/black skirt or pinafore or grey/black trousers.
  • Plain low heeled black shoes. No trainers/canvas footwear.
  • For indoor P.E. kit, Black P.E. pumps, black shorts and yellow (plain) t-shirt
  • For outdoor P.E. jogging bottoms, trainers and sweatshirt are required in addition to the indoor PE kit.
  • During the summer green or yellow gingham dresses can be worn.
  • During the summer grey or black shorts can be worn, not football shorts.
  • White, grey or black socks must be worn. Grey or black tights may be worn in winter.
  • It is not acceptable for children to come to school with dyed hair or inappropriate styles.
  • No nail varnish.
  • No jewellery should be worn, except for a small watch (N.B. smart watches are not allowed in school and also earrings are not allowed to be worn in school)
  • The school uniform can be purchased online from
  • All clothes and belongings must be clearly marked with your child’s name. The school cannot be held responsible for items of uniform which go missing, especially if they have not been labelled. There is a lost property box in reception and all items of uniform which are not labelled can be found there.
  • We do however; empty this box termly and any items not collected will be disposed of.
  • Mobile phones are not allowed in school. The school cannot be held responsible for the loss or damage of mobile phones.

We thank you for your support with following the school uniform expectations of St Paul’s CE Primary.


Files to Download

Year 5/6: News items

Leavers' Service, by Mr Wright

Sports Day, by Mr Wright

Year 5/6: Calendar items

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